
Awareness Campaign “Water is life – don’t waste it”

| 21 June 2023

With the 2023 motto “Water is life – don’t waste it“, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action, the Águas de Portugal Group and the Portuguese Environment Agency, together with the Regulatory Entity of Water and Waste Services, are starting a new water scarcity awareness and prevention campaign.

As usual EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, SA., is associated with this active communication.

Portugal continues to suffer a long period of aggravated drought, and not even the extreme weather conditions of the last few weeks seems to make any difference. Dry and maximum exploited soils and lands, are unable to absorb precipitation.

At the same time, we start to feel water shortages, particularly in the south of the country, but while we wait for effective solutions, it is our duty to change some habits.

As we get closer to summer (which starts tomorrow, the 21st of June), it becomes essential to act in such a way as to make more resilient those vulnerable communities. This way, they will also learn how to use the precious natural resource, whose utilization and consumption tends to duplicate at this time of year.

There are several small gestures to change the current paradigm and face the effects of climate change. Learn more about what to do at https://portaldaagua.pt/ (Portal da Água)

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