We don’t STOP in the field – WE’RE ON!
Even at a construction site, EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, S.A., doesn’t stop.
As SARS-CoV-2 obliges all to stay put, some of us still need to get things ready for when everything comes back to normal. Because it will happen! In EDM- Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, S.A., safety conditions and environmental qualities are assured in all the environmental rehabilitation jobs.
As such, today we present you the testimony of Edgar Carvalho, engineer at the company supervised by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action. In this short video Edgar explains (in Portuguese) how health safety procedures can help minimize COVID-19 propagation risk in EDM.
Please, do follow Directorate-General of Health of Portugal instructions. For your safety, for the safety of your family and friends #StayHome. Become an agent of Public Health.
Learn more in
— Environment and Climate Action – Ambiente e Ação Climática PT (MAAC), May 2nd, 2020