
Visit by Freiberg University to the Urgeiriça Mine

| 15 September 2017

Freiberg is an old mining town in Germany, located in the centre of Saxony, between the cities of Dresden and Chemnitz. With an approximate population of 40,000, of which 5,400 are students, it is the birthplace of the oldest university focused on mining sciences.


Overview of the town of  Freiberg

freiberg-saudacao freiberg-ponte

Traditional mining welcome

Donat Tower and the town’s historic wall

A group of 13 finalists from the Mine Engineering course at Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, accompanied by two lecturers, came to Portugal on 9 September and visited the facilities of the old mining area of Urgeiriça, where work is still carried out on environmental recovery.

The group, led by Prof. Helmut Mischo (Chair Underground Mining Methods and Scientific Director of the Research and Educational Mine of the Bergakademie Freiberg) visited the area of Sta. Bárbara, especially Malacate de Sta. Bárbara and respective “Casa do Guincho” (Winch House). They also paid a short visit to the site where work was being carried out on “Chemical and Radiological Decontamination and Environmental Rehabilitation of the Area of Old Chemical Treatment Workshops and Buildings of the Ancient Mining Perimeter” and were shown the methods and guiding principles followed.

They then visited the integrated system for the treatment of mine waters of the Urgeiriça area, passing through the “Poço 4” passive treatment system. Next they were shown the work carried out at “Barragem Velha” (Old Dam) and finally the recent “Urgeiriça Mine Water Treatment Plant”.

Below is a photographic report of this visit.

stabarbara guincho

Santa Bárbara Area

Winch House

barragemvelha etam

Old Dam

Mine Water Treatment Plant


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