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The XI National Congress of Geology – 5 days of science sharing in Coimbra

| 18 July 2023

Organized by the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the Geological Society of Portugal, the National Congress will bring together more than 300 specialists in the field of Geosciences until the 20th July.

There will be 200 oral presentations, 20 scientific sessions and 150 posters during the XI National Congress of Geology.

An opportunity for all those interested in Geosciences to share and learn about the best current practices and the latest work and innovations in the area.

In an era of Energy Transition, there are also increasingly resonant themes, encompassed in the Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, “geodiversity and geoconservation”, “urban security and sustainability”, “decarbonization and energy sources” will certainly be addressed and debated. Not to mention the fundamental importance of critical raw materials, which are part of the new environmental objectives of the European Union.
The ideal event to combat misinformation and harmful ideas to the development of societies.

More information here: XI National Congress of Geology