EDM Joins Working Group for Evaluating Lithium Potential
EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, SA is participating in a Working Group, established by the Secretary of State for Energy, Jorge Seguro Sanches on 30 November, to identify and delineate occurrences of lithium deposits in Portugal, as well as economic activities associated with their development and use.
Coordinated by the general deputy director of the Directorate-General of Energy and Geology, Cristina Vieira Lourenço, the working group also includes representatives of the National Energy and Geology Laboratory, the National Association of Extractive and Manufacturing Industries and the Portuguese Association of Manufacturers of Marble and Granite, thus seeking to evaluate the possibility of producing lithium metal.
“The potential of domestic geological resources, as a factor in economic development of increasing strategic importance, determines the adoption of measures to evaluate and promote natural resources in Portugal, from a standpoint of environmental sustainability and social responsibility”, stressed the Secretary of State for Energy.
The importance of lithium minerals in Portugal is demonstrated by the growing interest shown by mining companies.
Lithium minerals extracted in Portugal are intended exclusively for the ceramic industry, their use being limited to mere flux, leading to significant savings in companies’ energy bills.
It will thus be important to study and establish the position that Portugal may take on the world stage in relation to a whole new emerging industry associated with the electrification of society, and in particular means of transport.
The conclusions of this Working Group should be presented by 31 March 2017.