The environmental remediation contract of Carrasca, included in that of Bica, Pedreiros, Coitos and Vale d’Arca, consisted of the following main activities:
- In the southern area, the cleaning of remaining materials with still high radiometry readings, forming and adjustment of the slope and its landscaping;
- In the northern area, the removal of material with higher radiometry readings and in situ treatment of the remaining spoil heap;
- Partial removal of spoil heap A, accompanied by a smoothing of the slope;
- Manual drainage of agricultural land located west of spoil heap A and subsequent covering with arable land;
- Cleaning and sealing of the existing gallery entrances in the northern area, effected by means of a metal grating allowing the entry of bats and preventing the entry of people;
- Improvement of the spring area to facilitate oxygenation of the water and thus promote iron precipitation, ensuring its use for purposes of irrigation.
This contract was awarded to Socopul – Sociedade de Construções e Obras SA / MT3 – Engenharia e Obras, Lda for € 2,194,775.53 and had a duration of 540 days.
The investment was co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and enabled sources of contamination of the soil to be eliminated through the removal of contaminated residues and the sealing of the mining structures, greatly improving the landscape of the valley, with a consequent increase in the quality of life of adjacent populations.