The new National Agenda, entitled “Discovering Industrial Tourism”, was officially presented at BTL – Lisbon Tourism Exchange, on February 28th.

Capa da Agenda

This guide, which includes activities from 49 partners from the Portuguese Industrial Tourism Network, is the result of the third edition of the initiative “Discovering Industrial Tourism”.


This initiative, which runs from March 16th to 30th 2024, guarantees a unique opportunity to discover places and experiences associated with the living industry and industrial heritage in Portugal. Through visits and direct activities, carried out in industrial spaces, the “Grupo Dinamizador da Rede Portuguesa do Turismo Industrial”- Portuguese Industrial Tourism Network Dynamic Group, aims to provide participants awareness for industry evolution, industry’s role in boosting the national economy, the existing new technologies, but also, telling our history and along our cultural identity.

The Portuguese Industrial Tourism Dynamic Group is an informal structure coordinated by Turismo de Portugal, in a venture between the 5 Regional Tourism Entities, the Regional Directorate of Tourism of the Azores, the Portuguese Association of Industrial Heritage, the Route of Mines and Points of Interest in Mining and Geology in Portugal, several private projects and representatives of 7 municipalities intrinsically linked to Portuguese industry.

The Agenda “Discovering Industrial Tourism” and other information about the activities can be accessed through the link: AGENDA TURISMO INDUSTRIAL 2024

Cartaz da semana dos

During March 22nd and 23rd, EDM will participate in the Route of Mines Partners’ Week 2024, in a night/day exclusive event.

As part of the activities planned in the Route of Mines and Points of Mining and Geological Interest of Portugal, EDM organizes two visits to the Urgeiriça Mine, under the theme “Uranium: from Mine to Environmental Recovery”.

An opportunity to learn about the mining legacy, in an history that involves decades and generations, but also the mode to which the industrial space is recovered and how it can be returned to the community. In addition to the guided tour, a walking tour is also planned, in a journey through the transformative process, showing the development and effort carried out by EDM on site, and also a visit to the exhibition inside the old mine’s facilities, a place full of stories.

An activity that will take place in two formats. During the night of March 22nd, in a different and more sensorial way for the participants, and during March 23rd, in the daylight, also available for all people, of all ages.

A unique event that helps industrial and mining literacy in our country.

For more information please visit: OFFICIAL PROGRAM – ROUTE OF MINES PARTNERS WEEK

For registrations, please contact Carlos Martins at (free registration, limited to 30 participants per day)

Cartaz oficial da 91ª edição do PDAC 2024

Between March 3rd and 6th, EDM will participate in the 91st PDAC Convention, considered the “Super Bowl” of the mineral and mining community.


A unique, annual event that brings scientists, companies and organizations together, through its most direct relationship with the prospecting and exploration sector.

This year, the Convention will have as a common thread the capacity for business innovation, balancing the values ​​of sustainability and environmental impact, along with the continuous need of resources prospection, as a response to the challenges of our planet, especially the energy transition.

In 2024, the PDAC Convention is expecting more than 30,000 participants, from more than 130 countries, for its exceptional face-to-face networking opportunity with potential partners, creating new opportunities for work investment and development in Portugal.

Since its beginning in 1932, the event has grown in size, stature, and influence, becoming one of the most important and impactful events in the mineral and mining industry. Today, it attracts more than 1,100 exhibitors hosting 700 speakers.

For more information, please visit PDAC CONVENTION



Scientific dissemination associated with Geology and Mines and the use of the development of potential territories related with extractive activities, are among the objectives of the Route of Mines and Points of Mining and Geological Interest in Portugal, promoted by the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG), EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro S.A., and more than four dozen other entities that joined together for this purpose.

In this context, between March 18th and 24th 2024, throughout the entire territory of the continent and the Autonomous Region of the Azores, the 2024 “Route of Mines and Points of Mining and Geological Interest in Portugal” will take place.

During this week, a set of programmed activities developed by each partner, will provide diverse and unique experiences for all of those interested, such as:

– Special and exclusive visits to different geological or mining interest sites;

– Guided tours and access to museum assets;

– Visit to mining galleries, from ancient Roman times to current in operation;

– Pedagogical laboratories and other experimental activities for younger children,

among several other activities that allow citizens to recognize, know, identify, and preserve, with great awareness and interest, a component as important as Geodiversity in the national territory, and which has so much to offer.

Among the events that will be held, some are also part of the “Discovering Industrial Tourism” initiative, promoted by the Facilitating Group of the Portuguese Industrial Tourism Network (Grupo Dinamizador da Rede Portuguesa de Turismo Industrial), which are scheduled to take place in the last March fortnight.


NOTE: Many of the activities require prior registration, some are not accessible to everyone and others may be subject to the physical conditions of the interested participants.

For more information, it is recommended that you contact the organizing entities in advance.

Urgeiriça Mine received a technical visit as part of the “Regional Training Course on prevention and mitigation methods for protection against radon exposure in buildings”, an event organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

This event, hosted by the Government of Portugal and co-organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra between January 22nd and 26th, was exclusive to national and international professionals linked to radon monitoring, construction industry, regulatory authorities and research centres. The course allowed participants to gain skills in radon prevention and mitigation methodologies, as well as risk communication.

Exposure to radiation in buildings can and should be monitored and controlled. For this purpose, the safety standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency were presented during the course, generally used to implement preventive measures and corrective actions against radon exposure.

At the same time, it was possible for participants to update information on safety and quality protocols, radioactive materials, radon prevention and remediation projects in buildings, but also to acquire greater technical skills in risk communication and public involvement.

In the extensive program of presentations, EDM had the opportunity to participate with the theme “Urgeiriça Uranium Legacy Site and Buildings and Dwellings Remediation” and present the progressive development in this area, within the scope of the technical visit to the Former Mining Area of ​​Urgeiriça.

Among 43 participants, from 22 Member States, there was an opportunity to learn about the mining area, in addition to the entire environmental recovery intervention carried out in the region, contributing to the protection of the environment and the population.

A good national and international example in the remediation of former radioactive mining areas and in the mitigation of radon in buildings.

It was last Sunday that a visit to the Urgeiriça Mine took place, as a request of the 2CV Club from Mangualde.

With Carlos Martins and António Tuna supervision, and as part of a conviviality day organized by the 2CV group itself, Urgeiriça received visitors encouraging knowledge of the territory.

It was with some amazement and a lot of curiosity that most young and experienced participants, discovered the old mining site. For the visit leaders, this event is proof of how a large part of the population, often located in regions with a mining tradition, does not know the heritage they have “on their own doorstep”.

In a clear commitment, there is a need to also create a greater wealth of knowledge regarding industrial tourism. Even more so, if we talk about a sector that brings so much identity for Portugal as the mining industry, and which is an intrinsic part of the Route of Mines and Points of Mining and Geological Interest in Portugal.

Alongside the recognition of a territory that belongs to everyone, participants’ interest in the environmental recovery was equally visible during the visit. Once again, it is observed that environmental education is an important topic for citizens, as they can also follow the development of some projects, as long as there is a well-stablished and transparent communication between all parties involved.

The 9th Radiation Protection Congress of the CPLP – Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, will take place from December 11th to the 15th, in Coimbra.

The meeting, organized by the Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection and the Brazilian Society for Radiological Protection, will mainly focus on the biological effects of radiation, natural radioactivity, protection, management and safety, national and international regulations and policies, emergency planning and response, among other necessary topics to address in this context.

EDM-Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, S.A., will be present at this meeting, with the contribution of Edgar Carvalho on the 13th, Wednesday.

With the presentation title “Environmental recovery of former mining areas in Portugal”, Edgar Carvalho will show to the audience, all the work carried out by the company over the last few years, within the scope of remediating national mining liabilities.

Three theoretic and theoretic-practical courses are also planned to be held during the 9th Radiation Protection Congress, on which EDM will be represented by Carlos Martins, as one of the supervisors of the “Theoretical-Practical Course on Radon”.

This will be the third edition of a highly required and successful training, which will take place between the 13th and 14th December.

In addition to lectures, debates and courses, the program also includes two technical visits during the 5 days of work, one of them to Urgeiriça Mine, on Friday, December 15th. The Urgeiriça Mine, whose recovery was carried out by EDM, starting in 2006 and ending in 2021, is a case that many want to learn about and analyse as a potential example for their own countries.

The 9th CPLP Radiation Protection Congress will be held in the Central Auditorium of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra.


The entire program can be accessed at the CPLP Radiation Protection Congress – 2023

EDM-Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, S.A., is leading the debate “Critical Raw Materials in the Climate Transition Era”, which will take place tomorrow, at COP28, in Dubai.

After holding the event in Aljustrel, with great impact within participants and several companies that joined the initiative, it is now even more important to discuss internationally how we can face the new climate challenges together.

At the same time, new ways are being sought to guarantee a response to the ever-increasing demand for energy access, which is expected to be more sustainable, modern and fair.

A necessary and disruptive theme to the modern era we are facing.

It will be tomorrow, December 5th, that this event will be held at the Pavilhão de Portugal, starting at 10:00 local time (06:00 in Lisbon – GMT+4).

The initiative will have official Portuguese participation, by the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG), the National Laboratory of Geology and Energy (LNEG) and the Parliamentary Commission for the Environment and Energy, and which will have the support of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action.

You can follow or review the event on the link OFFICIAL CHANNEL COP 28 or through the OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE ENVIRONMENT.


The Official Program of the Portuguese Pavilion at COP28 can be accessed here: OFFICIAL PROGRAM OF PORTUGAL.

The festivities in honour of Santa Bárbara, the Patron Saint of Mine Workers, will take place on December 4th, in Urgeiriça.

The official program begins this Saturday the 2nd, when the Former Uranium Mine Workers Youth Meeting will take place – with its own alignment of activities- and, during Sunday the 3rd, with the anniversary celebration of the House Staff.

As for the traditional religious procession, it will take place on the 4th, the same day as the Uranium Mining Family confraternization lunch.

The Festivities in Honour of Santa Bárbara in Urgeiriça, have the support of EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro SA.

EDM participates in the 10th PROMETIA Scientific Seminar, held in Lisbon between the 28th and 30th November.

Catarina Diamantino and Frederico Martins represented EDM with the entitled presentation, “The role of EDM in the environmental remediation of old mining areas”, providing information on the best practices but also related challenges to environmental recovery carried out by the company. In addition, they also showed past examples of prospection works, EDM’s modus operandi for characterizing each site to be intervened, examples of already rehabilitated areas and research projects where the company participated and still contributes.

Presenting a rich program, the Scientific Seminar focused themes such as “Supply Risks of Raw Materials and Responsible Sources”, “Innovative R&D Projects for CRM Production” and “METNET Session and Pilot Activities”.

The PROMETIA group is a non-profit association based in Brussels that promotes innovation in mineral processing and extraction, focusing on the mining and recycling of critical raw materials. Its mission is to make these materials accessible to industries and citizens in Europe, and at the same time, it wants to increase technical knowledge in processing, supporting the economic and business development.

Find out more about the European association here: PROMETIA

The 10th Interdisciplinary Day of the São Domingos Mine will take place on December 4th, simultaneously with the celebrations of Santa Bárbara Day.

This year, the 10th Interdisciplinary Day of the São Domingos Mine will focus on the convergence between the mine, new technologies and education. At the same time, it aims to create an understanding between the environmental component and society, showing the important role that mining activity brings to regional communities and the country itself, while explaining how the rehabilitation of industrial space can generate greater value for all.

This event will feature the participation of EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, SA, in a presentation given by Catarina Diamantino, under the title “The environmental recovery of the former mining area of ​​São Domingos: application of technosols in the recovery of contaminated soils”.

Quoting the official note from the 10th Interdisciplinary Day:

“For more than a century, a town created by mining exploration, experienced in a different way the meeting of cultures from two countries – Portugal and England – and the technological advances of the time, which were applied to infrastructure, extraction and processing of pyrites: the São Domingos Mine. With the end of mining exploration, an environmental liability came to light, which resolution constitutes a current challenge, and a diverse natural and industrial heritage, which must be preserved, were left bare. It is because of the history of this particular mining town, located, among others, along the Iberian Pyrite Belt, that cross-reference views of specialists in areas such as anthropology, archaeology, biology, geology, history, science history, chemistry, sociology and urbanism, must be made, with an emphasis on scientific, technological and environmental centred discussions. An available contribution to all of those interested in the topic with particular use for teaching and educational service professionals in their work within the communities.”

The Memorandum of Understanding of the collaborative and communication platform MINERAL will be signed in the auditorium of the National Headquarters of the “Ordem dos Engenheiros” in Lisbon, on 23rd November at 3pm.


MINERAL – Collaborative Communication Platform for the Geological Resources is an initiative that wants to acquaint the importance of these resources for the sustainable development of the society, which also results in the achievement of the energy, digital and climate transitions.

MINERAL also aims to encourage an increased environmental and social responsibility among companies operating in this sector, promoting their decarbonization and reducing their environmental footprint.

This platform results from the partnership between nine institutions that operate at different stages of the value chain of the geological resources sector, namely the Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources (ACPMR), the National Association of Extractive and Manufacturing Industry (ANIET), the Portuguese Association of Geologists (APG), the Portuguese Association of Ceramic and Crystal Industries (APICER), the Portuguese Association of the Mineral Resources Industry (ASSIMAGRA), the Mining Development Company (EDM), the National Energy and Geology Laboratory (LNEG), Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE) and the Geological Society of Portugal (SGP).

The presentation of the MINERAL Platform will be attended by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate, Ana Fontoura Gouveia, who will also participate in the opening session.

Therefore, EDM invites everyone to attend the MINERAL presentation event and the celebration of the Memorandum of Understanding.

Free but mandatory registration is requested through the following link: ORDEM DOS ENGENHEIROS – REGISTRATION

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