
10th Interdisciplinary Journey at São Domingos Mine

| 27 November 2023

The 10th Interdisciplinary Day of the São Domingos Mine will take place on December 4th, simultaneously with the celebrations of Santa Bárbara Day.

This year, the 10th Interdisciplinary Day of the São Domingos Mine will focus on the convergence between the mine, new technologies and education. At the same time, it aims to create an understanding between the environmental component and society, showing the important role that mining activity brings to regional communities and the country itself, while explaining how the rehabilitation of industrial space can generate greater value for all.

This event will feature the participation of EDM – Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, SA, in a presentation given by Catarina Diamantino, under the title “The environmental recovery of the former mining area of ​​São Domingos: application of technosols in the recovery of contaminated soils”.

Quoting the official note from the 10th Interdisciplinary Day:

“For more than a century, a town created by mining exploration, experienced in a different way the meeting of cultures from two countries – Portugal and England – and the technological advances of the time, which were applied to infrastructure, extraction and processing of pyrites: the São Domingos Mine. With the end of mining exploration, an environmental liability came to light, which resolution constitutes a current challenge, and a diverse natural and industrial heritage, which must be preserved, were left bare. It is because of the history of this particular mining town, located, among others, along the Iberian Pyrite Belt, that cross-reference views of specialists in areas such as anthropology, archaeology, biology, geology, history, science history, chemistry, sociology and urbanism, must be made, with an emphasis on scientific, technological and environmental centred discussions. An available contribution to all of those interested in the topic with particular use for teaching and educational service professionals in their work within the communities.”

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