Educational Services Guide 2021-2022
The Route of Mines and Points of Interest in Mining and Geology in Portugal (Roteiro das Minas e Pontos de Interesse Mineiro e Geológico em Portugal) promotes the offer of different partners and regions, where educational services and activities directed for schools, are of particular relevance. These are also granted in the several platforms on which the “Route” is currently present.
The 2021-2022 edition of the “Route” is a continuous response to schools’ needs, concerning the organization of field-site visits, and the promotion of other training experiences.
However, due to the extraordinary public health circumstances we are all facing, the organization is largely conditioned for this year.
Nevertheless, the “Guide” for the 2021-2022 school year also details the offer of a set of resources proposing non-face-to-face activities, which can be accessible through the most diverse ways, and be developed in a hybrid classroom context.
The new Guide can be consulted or downloaded here!