Gouveia (Municipality)
296,430 €
2017 - 2018

Environmental Remediation of the Vale de Videira Mining Area


The former mining area of Vale de Videira is located in the civil parish of Ribamondego, in the municipality of Gouveia, district of Guarda.

This mine was operated for the production of uranium (U3O8) between 1989 and 1990 by Empresa Nacional de Urânio, EP.

The deposit was mined through the opening of 4 open pits. Currently, spoil heaps remain consisting essentially of tailings, especially in the northern part of the mining area.

The services to be carried out in this mining area consist of the following main activities:

  • Soil drainage;
  • Demolition and replacement of walls;
  • Removal of existing spoil heaps;
  • Recovery and landscaping.

The investment is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and will allow the environmental liabilities resulting from mining at this location to be resolved, bringing benefits to local populations through the improvement of current conditions and use of the areas reclaimed for other ends.

  • Vista geral após recuperação ambiental (final view)

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