Sabugal (Municipality)
2,699,573.90 €
2011 - 2013

Environmental Remediation in the Pedreiros Mining Area


The former mining area of Pedreiros is located in the civil parish of Sortelha, municipality of Sabugal and district of Guarda. It is located very close to Bica, in very rugged terrain, with the deposit situated on a hillside at an elevation of around 610 m. In terms of habitation, the location of the mine is deserted. It is an area of contrasts, marked by sparse vegetation at higher elevations and valleys created by the numerous water lines that cut across the area, where there is agricultural land.

This underground mine had two exploration phases: the first, exclusively for Radium between 1912(?) and 1922 and the second for Uranium from 1958 to 1961. It was an underground mine with two shafts of unknown depth and galleries with unknown yardage, but not very important given the volume of debris. In the 1950s, the CPR (Companhia Portuguesa de Rádio) had a project to recover the mine and undertook prospecting work through the use of ditches and drilling with unsatisfactory results, the concession being abandoned. The shafts are covered with a concrete slabs to minimize safety risks.

The environmental remediation contract of Pedreiros, included in that of Bica, Carrasca, Coitos and Vale d’Arca, consisted of the following main activities:

  • Removal of existing spoil heap materials and their controlled disposal at Bica dump;
  • Landscaping.

This contract was awarded to Socopul – Sociedade de Construções e Obras SA / MT3 – Engenharia e Obras, Lda for 2,194,775.53 and had a duration of 540 days.

The investment made was co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and enabled sources of contamination of the soil to be eliminated through the removal of contaminated residues, greatly improving the landscape of the valley, with a consequent increase in the quality of life of adjacent populations.

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