The largest heap (E6) is located to the east of the cut and has a volume of approximately 550,000 m3 of sterile material. The remaining heaps total a volume of approximately 30,000 m3 of material. The surface of the heaps in question exhibit low to medium radiometric values, and are classifiable in the classes of materials resulting directly from extraction operations, without any type of processing or treatment via leaching.
The intervention to be carried out in this mining area will consist of the following activities:
- Site clearing and deforestation;
- Stabilization of unstable slopes of the cut;
- Concentration of materials in the main heap;
- Slope shaping, with the creation of platforms;
- Maintenance of the water surface;
- Confinement and multi-layer sealing;
- Drainage systems;
- Pedestrian paths in the area surrounding the cut and the main heap;
- Improvement of primary access;
- Permanent outer fencing and access gates;
- Landscaping, monitoring and control of local environmental conditions.
The investment is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and will enable the environmental liabilities resulting from mining to be resolved in this area, bringing benefits to the local population by improving current conditions and enabling the use of the reclaimed areas for other purposes.